Oh, my goodness, loyal subjects and followers of the me, Mr Zerosumgame, soon to be better known as King of Blogging! Soon to be better known to Others, since to the Millions of me and followers and readers and all around family people who love the joy of the King of Blogging's, I am already known, yes!?! As we careen and carouse through space of King of Blogging-fame, we will joyously await the coming of the Glorious Deus Ex Machina, doing business as (DBA) the mighty Blog of Nate. Once again, I am at first sorry that my fingers keep typing Blog of Nate, when I am thiunking that I mean Blog of Note, but since my fingers keep on making this error, I am thinking maybe error it is not, maybe there is a higghher power over even the Blogs of Note, and why not it woudl be - sorry, I am thinking tht a
parghraph break is in order here, so I will make one, to further disable the eye of the beholders of my Kingsomeness! But, back to business of hands, the notion of the Blogs of Nate as hugher designation than the middle management level of Blogs of Note. If the case that is, then you can sign me ups right now for that Blogs of Nate ribbon: I'll take a dozen and you can hodl the mayo, please kind sirs and sirresses fo the Blogs of Note/Nate desigNATErs! I am honored. Remember that, in addition to claiming divinme designation of King of Blogging, I am also wanting this Blog fo Nate to be a gift for HUmanKinds! So, listen up, my children, and you shall hear
paragraph brreak
of the mifdnight ride of how I came to see in my research that BlooggerFreinds are philosophers and they ask me, even the King of Blogging a very important question: "What is following?" they ask on HELP page, and I am thinking this is easily answered, but no, it appears that simple matter of walking after another perosn it is not. I must learn art of flollowing, an art that my feet incased in Stan Smith lounge lizard shoes apparently do not know, without guidcnae of my Freidns at Bloogger! Loyal readers will recall that I ran oiut immediatelyt and began to foloow other Blogs of Note and such bloogging roylaty to see my yellow zero in their midst was exciting, but in time I have second feelings and I am thinking that this is maybe stalking or filling Royal Mailboxes (remember i am senstievt to mailboxes because of Cosuin Kenny Ostensible, King of Mail Art!) with a whole lotta junk mail without really asking permission, so I come up with novel idea and decide to follow myself!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I agree to be my very first follower: who better, I am thinging, to follwow myself than myself!! King folowoing King!!!I will learn from myself as I teach myself what is necessary to become Blog of Nate!! But
paragraph break
lo and behokld, over the ocean comes one Z of A, who whhispers that follower she too will be and already I am feeling that Blog of Nate is just around the corner of infinate fame, how are we? And I visit this Duchess of bloogging becasue I feel that she is Blog of Nate herself, so I ask for eternal Nate-wisdom and she tells me that I am on righjt track with my Self_Esteen desigNATEion, but maybe I could stop yelling in her ear of which for I am very sorry and proimise again never to be agian doing to such a Duchess of Nate!! Though enthusiatsic of her praise I will forever be! I am thinking that maybe advice is due to folowores and loyal subject sof King of Bloogging and other desirers of Blog of Nate:
1. As Miss Z of A tells me, you must call yoursefl who you are as soon as you are it! There is no waiting around for Kings of Bloogging to beocme Kings of Bloogging! You are it, then you are it!!
2. Begin immmediiately to include
pargapgh breaks,
but do not hesitate to jump right in wiht the Anime puppies, too for the canine lover subjects of the King of Bloogging!
Thirdly, let your fingers do the walking: it seems my fingers have uncovered next big life seceret after Code of Da Vinci, with discovery of Blog of Nate! Like the muffin man, I am after that bowl of melted butta!
parghraph break is in order here, so I will make one, to further disable the eye of the beholders of my Kingsomeness! But, back to business of hands, the notion of the Blogs of Nate as hugher designation than the middle management level of Blogs of Note. If the case that is, then you can sign me ups right now for that Blogs of Nate ribbon: I'll take a dozen and you can hodl the mayo, please kind sirs and sirresses fo the Blogs of Note/Nate desigNATErs! I am honored. Remember that, in addition to claiming divinme designation of King of Blogging, I am also wanting this Blog fo Nate to be a gift for HUmanKinds! So, listen up, my children, and you shall hear
paragraph brreak
of the mifdnight ride of how I came to see in my research that BlooggerFreinds are philosophers and they ask me, even the King of Blogging a very important question: "What is following?" they ask on HELP page, and I am thinking this is easily answered, but no, it appears that simple matter of walking after another perosn it is not. I must learn art of flollowing, an art that my feet incased in Stan Smith lounge lizard shoes apparently do not know, without guidcnae of my Freidns at Bloogger! Loyal readers will recall that I ran oiut immediatelyt and began to foloow other Blogs of Note and such bloogging roylaty to see my yellow zero in their midst was exciting, but in time I have second feelings and I am thinking that this is maybe stalking or filling Royal Mailboxes (remember i am senstievt to mailboxes because of Cosuin Kenny Ostensible, King of Mail Art!) with a whole lotta junk mail without really asking permission, so I come up with novel idea and decide to follow myself!!!!!!!!!! Yes, I agree to be my very first follower: who better, I am thinging, to follwow myself than myself!! King folowoing King!!!I will learn from myself as I teach myself what is necessary to become Blog of Nate!! But
paragraph break
lo and behokld, over the ocean comes one Z of A, who whhispers that follower she too will be and already I am feeling that Blog of Nate is just around the corner of infinate fame, how are we? And I visit this Duchess of bloogging becasue I feel that she is Blog of Nate herself, so I ask for eternal Nate-wisdom and she tells me that I am on righjt track with my Self_Esteen desigNATEion, but maybe I could stop yelling in her ear of which for I am very sorry and proimise again never to be agian doing to such a Duchess of Nate!! Though enthusiatsic of her praise I will forever be! I am thinking that maybe advice is due to folowores and loyal subject sof King of Bloogging and other desirers of Blog of Nate:
1. As Miss Z of A tells me, you must call yoursefl who you are as soon as you are it! There is no waiting around for Kings of Bloogging to beocme Kings of Bloogging! You are it, then you are it!!
2. Begin immmediiately to include
pargapgh breaks,
but do not hesitate to jump right in wiht the Anime puppies, too for the canine lover subjects of the King of Bloogging!
Thirdly, let your fingers do the walking: it seems my fingers have uncovered next big life seceret after Code of Da Vinci, with discovery of Blog of Nate! Like the muffin man, I am after that bowl of melted butta!
With your prose of purple passion, your bloogginess is awesome and awe-inspiring. How could you have known that your readers would lust for ragged left margins? Or Anime puppies?
ReplyDeleteYou have established the standard for paragraph breaks. Looking forward to following you as you work toward all your Nate-Worthy ambitions.
Exciting days are these, Anno, and how exciting that you would visit this purple palace of ambition! Humble am I to be some humbled by your visit! Haste I will to your only surely Blog of Nate to further explore the continuing quest for Nate-worthiness! I am sure many suggestions you will have for the coroNATE-ion! To my Blog List you must go! Welcome!