Fellow people of trhe King! We are here again and you are excited as I am, the world is not at ends, becxause the Lif eof King is ongoing, jubliation could be a reslut of how you feel, that is what I am saying. You are thinking why does King of Blogging now sound more like Rverwend Al Green of Memphis Tennessesseessee instead of King that I am, well so am i, is it because I have been viewing many viewings of Fats Waller videos singing about Hineysuckles and BigFeets and Miss Behavin (have you met her), it gives entirely different sound to my usual urban legend way of communication in the usUAL way of talking, hearing waht I say?
How are you, my fine follow fellowers? You will see that life at King of Blooggging Headquarters is sallying forth like ship upon foam, quoitng as I am that fine Russian rock adn roller Mr. Ivan Morrison. You kno whow it is said that picture is worth thousand words and you will notice that ci have coimmmeters and fellowers now on King of Bloogging Blloggosphere, likewise I am told that 1 comment is worth millions hits, as so the same with the sam eo ffellwoers. These numbers exponate on themselves like fertle rabbits and soon countryside is overrrun by enoirmity of number s of fleoowers and commeneters of latest and greatest Blog Of Nate!!! We are closing in on immortality, meine freunde! Meanwhile at back of the ranch, we will enjoy quietr times of leisure as numbers languish in low millions of hits and we can tlak about the turleys in the bye and bye. I am unusually sympathetic to the lovelieness of this prospective prospect. Rejoicing may be in the order of things of the order.
Breaks, pargarpjs breaks you have been wondertign about and this I am saying was bagatelle of serious matzoh balls before the shocking truth of unnecessity of they are, thouhg nto a bad thing, just an unnecessity they are. But I like enter button so
I may occasionally still drop them like bits o' honey into text of the Almighty King. Persaonlitty is utmost of the everythign in the field of bloogigign I am now convinced.
Concieve as you will is the motto of the day of the King!
Peopleof the King! How about them puppies? Do we want more? Do you want 101 dalmations-worth fo puppiees running amok? Do we want anime or Archie comics? Maybe it is Betty and Veronica you are thinking anf i am provoding! This can be had, as King of Bllooggging is all about cusitomre servcie! Amd that is also Kingof Blooogigogg's motto of the day. Or yesterdya.
How are you, my fine follow fellowers? You will see that life at King of Blooggging Headquarters is sallying forth like ship upon foam, quoitng as I am that fine Russian rock adn roller Mr. Ivan Morrison. You kno whow it is said that picture is worth thousand words and you will notice that ci have coimmmeters and fellowers now on King of Bloogging Blloggosphere, likewise I am told that 1 comment is worth millions hits, as so the same with the sam eo ffellwoers. These numbers exponate on themselves like fertle rabbits and soon countryside is overrrun by enoirmity of number s of fleoowers and commeneters of latest and greatest Blog Of Nate!!! We are closing in on immortality, meine freunde! Meanwhile at back of the ranch, we will enjoy quietr times of leisure as numbers languish in low millions of hits and we can tlak about the turleys in the bye and bye. I am unusually sympathetic to the lovelieness of this prospective prospect. Rejoicing may be in the order of things of the order.
Breaks, pargarpjs breaks you have been wondertign about and this I am saying was bagatelle of serious matzoh balls before the shocking truth of unnecessity of they are, thouhg nto a bad thing, just an unnecessity they are. But I like enter button so
I may occasionally still drop them like bits o' honey into text of the Almighty King. Persaonlitty is utmost of the everythign in the field of bloogigign I am now convinced.
Concieve as you will is the motto of the day of the King!
Peopleof the King! How about them puppies? Do we want more? Do you want 101 dalmations-worth fo puppiees running amok? Do we want anime or Archie comics? Maybe it is Betty and Veronica you are thinking anf i am provoding! This can be had, as King of Bllooggging is all about cusitomre servcie! Amd that is also Kingof Blooogigogg's motto of the day. Or yesterdya.
I am happy fo the positivity of things in the life of Kingly Blooggging, and so I hope are ytou. Fuuture I am convicned must also hold videos of Rocka nad Roll Hall of Famers Coswills singing "Rain, Macarthur's Park, and Everyhting" as groovy we danced to under black lights of Teen Canteen, checking out sexy laundry lint and dandruff on dates and finest dancers west of Soul Train, as a'rockin and a'reelin, Barabra Ann we were groovin on dance floor.
One last question to fellowers of King of Bloogigng! How is it we can have day jobs when vying for Blog of Nate is full time job, so that almost not even time to go to the water closet there is not. I am discreeet King with discreeet mention to the idea of needing to water cloister going. These are the importnnant qestuios of the day beyond eeven reincarnation today I am telling you, so steady line of response from feloowers of Nate are encourageds to their wisdom proffer and for you wishjng of a King Cake baby I am wishing for you even if I do not you send.
Blessings to you, my KIngs and Queens of Nate! A new wolrd we are making!
Greetings KOB! Miss A’s assistant, Miss Z, here again.
ReplyDeleteHow perfect that you should bring up the question of the day job, because Miss A is beside herself just trying to keep up with hers, let alone with her blog which, truth be told, won’t be a Blog of Nate for long when she adds school to her schedule. Then she’ll for sure have no time to visit the WC so that she’ll explode and you know what will go everywhere! I just hope I’m not around when it happens.
Anyway, I told Miss A that you had posted today and I convinced her to let me come over here again and investigate. I have to say I just love your enthusiasm, KOB, and your paragraph breaks. Although I’ve heard they’re generally used when switching topic, speaker, place or time, there can also be a creative aspect to them, so your motto of the day of the King rules, I say! Conceive as you will. Huzzah, huzzah!
As to what I would like to see more of as one of your most loyal followers, I would tell you no more puppies, please, but you make even them more fun than they already are, and you have so many other good ideas… Hey! Why don’t you put your clever mind to the task of solving the day jobs vs. BON-striving dilemma? And don’t offer Adsense as a solution, because everyone knows you can’t make a living from that unless you’re hotter than dog shit in a skillet!
And if you don’t like that idea, how about you take on the persona of a Nawlins man and tell us ‘bout the festivities you partook of at the Mardi Gras fling. Or be yourself and tell us what you think of that whole Mardi Gras fling thing. But for sure, now that you’ve whetted our appetites, if you ain’t providin’ an actual baby from out the King Cake, you might ought to at least show us a picture of one all nestled in its pretty cake, or maybe between the jaws of a drunken, beads-covered merrymaker!
Looking forward to your next post, KOB, no matter what it is!
Your loyal follower,
Miss Z
What a wonderful world it is, when the Blogger of Nate, with utmost discretion and utmost disregard for the heavy responsibilities of daily life, makes an appearance here. Personality is indeed utmost in blogging, and yours is magnificent, marvellous, and awe-inspiring: you're the top, the Coliseum, truly the King!
ReplyDeleteLove the mint green, the evolving margins, the gorgeous new cadences found in this latest post. Wishing you King Cakes, baby cakes, and lots of fluffy omelet pancakes -- you can never have too many.
P.S. Apologies if this turns out to be a duplicate comment. I thought I left one last night. But maybe you won't mind two?
As for what I'd like to read from the KOB, I think it's more like going to hear Caruso or Fats Waller: it's not what they sing, but that they sing at all that is the miracle. ... those beautiful, amazing voices.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Mis Z of A!!!! I am thinkng of many thinggs but the many can be down to a few be resolved and distilliated liek fineest gin I am so constelleated/ Forthwiotht to the ditaillaiiiting I am now doing!:
ReplyDelete1. I am hot, no I am hotter than dog shit in sklllet, but who wants to put such stinky concoction in finest cookware? Is this Adirondack / Vermont delicacy I should perfrom and of partake of? and more impprtantly, is this partaking of partaking guaranteed g=fast lane to Blooog g Of Natehood, becauds if so, I spare no expense in the pursuit of goal, my eys being on prize, so if culianry skills are part of ascension mode i am there, O mighty Z of A. You are, afte rall, Omega to my pie al la mode! Hear waht I am saying as the days of Natehood are upon us! Maybe even 51st state befor e even Puerto Rico is for Natehood doooming!
2. Mighty Z of A, I am wonderng if maybe you and notA are the BON of your own dreams, as you seem to have the time and desires for necesssary climb of ascension to lofty perch alomg with me, so what do you, how about you too climb on chattannoga chuchu to pinnacle of blgooging? "Track 29 - we'll have our salmonella with Carolina! Satan and Lace!"
3. As you know, KOB has been in Mardi Gras parade riding, throwingf platsic royal trashj at street minions in preparation for ascension, the excema of excietemtnt to the masses am I doing, so I amthinking, Z of A, that there is another idea that is in the making to perpetuate the Bog of Nate! More on this in nest ppost!! Stay toned!!
Welcome back, Queen ANno, one or earliest Knights who say Natehood, becaius eof the veyr same round table you are one! Dulpicaing you are not, though clones are welcome in State of Natehood. If comments you also readign, you will see that lastest incedniary ideia of amazing planning I am thinking of to be thinking is that perhaps before Puetro Rico I can be 51st state of the states of AMewrika being. That should tell blogogos of nateters a thinks or three! I may be not grower of orchins in my garage like robert frost, or healer of dark chocolate with pictures of Caroline Kennidyfor Prezident posters, but statehood of natehood should tide the turns on fools who choose blosogs of noot! And by the whey, if I am the tops, then you are the Mona lisa, no? "You say tomato, and I say canned LeFluer peas!" This you know what I am saying!
ReplyDeleteQueen Msrs G, welcome to humblebumbleebee abode of Kinfg of Nate, the humblebumbleebee being aonother of life's musicall mystereies that they can alos like Leo Carneseca and Fats Walden sing the arias of life thaty is who wea are in our deepest hearts of being who we are. Ftas Walden even sings of the vaery same, as you know, Lady Pythagorian Logorthtm:
ReplyDelete"Every honey bee fills with jealousy
When they see you out with me
I don't blame them
Goodness knows
Honeysuckle rose"
This the bloogers of ntoe are sthinging and singign as out weith me thery are seeing the 51st statehood of natehood parasding and all becasue fo the kindness of starngers like yoirself and your Pride of Jersey knowdlege of the highest alittude of the nadirs of mathematcial wisdom for the ages, and no I am not pulling your lesgs in amazing tributes to you and yuor legs! These are the known facts, maam!
Thank you for the welcome, KOB! Miss Z of A here wishing you happy Jesus and plastic cherub baby days! You must be a prophet as well as a blogging and glen king. You must be a prognosticator like Punxsutawney Phil because how ironically perfect that you should mention the time and desire a person has and how I must have more than Miss A, and then neither of us shows up over here banging on your kingdom doors to let us in! Ironic like stink in Lagostina! Well, I have finally made it here to herald the not so nately news of not long to be POBON-status Miss A and the fate of Miss Z because of Miss A as it relates to the scientific knowhow to clone things. Miss A has a class starting next week and she did not make her Austin deadline and she is far from finishing! As a result, she is creatively dried out and literally beside herself! She is in life like quicksand up to her shoulders and, since her arms are bound by her sides in that watery, sandy, shifting mass and I am her assistant, I’m having to work on her damnable project and it is the Satan of the Lace, the Lucifer of the Lake! And furthermore, since this whole mess with Miss A is keeping me from ascending along with you in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to the great Blooga Chattanooga in the sky, I complained to her that she needed to go and clone herself, and she said, “What do you think you are?” I am nearly over the shock of hearing this, nearly over the psychological devastation that it has wrought, and now I am in fear for the world, for two Miss A’s is a textbook case of the blind leading the blind, like Laurel leading Hardy, like Cheney leading Bush... Well as you can see, I’m still rather affected as I’ve not executed one single paragraph break here. I will return soon, KGoB, but for now I will leave you with two nates of advice of utmost importance to heed: when you are advised “do not try this at home” when it comes to large-scale scientific experiments, do not try it at home, and in fact, do not try it at all; and do not heat up dog shit in a skillet, in fact, do not touch dog shit at all if you can help it, but if you can’t help it, use only the right tool for the job, a pooper scooper.
ReplyDeleteLater, Nater,
Miss Omeger
Oh mee-o my-o, Miss Z of A, am I ever the excited Kingof Blooigg that you are again visiitng the very doioorsteps of the KOB!!! Can NAtehood before 51st STate of Puertto Rico be far behind, I am thinking now as are you, I am surew!!!! Honroed I asm to be compared to winter rodent known as oracel to Pennsylvanianas, like Debbie Boone is to music of 1970s in Ukraine of the hipsters of beings in berets wearing, we, snapping fingers were all over Offsprung of Patrick Boone in the glorious daz eo f polysetser music as I am tryin to recover in these daes of Kiong of Bloogigjgn!!!!
ReplyDeleteThinkign I am, that Mss A of your Z is too much working and not the rosetta stones smelling, no peeking under stairways like high philioosopher Windy, too much of grindstone to her nose she is doing- this cannoit be good for profile, unless you are Mickey Rourke making comeback as ELelphan t Man in wresrtlign mvoie and crying into beer of Bararfarrarba aWaters he is spillijgn....!!!! But not this is for the nose of Miss A iam thiognokinhg!!! Miss neends Satan in the Lace, yes, we are all thinging, yes are we yes????!!!!
Miss Z of A, thikkng I am that Miss A of Z must out of the world come roaring like Celine Dion in green jello headreesss as French Canadiana jalapeno queen she is being to world of msicuall renown, so Miss A of Z must to the world emerege in he rown known of headresds wearing!!!Fort this will I keep my sskilliets always shiny and clean, hear aagiin what I am sayingh!!!!!