And now you are thinking that I am thinking the very same thoing that you are thiking!! That is it time to like Cosiun Williemelson be on the roadkill aggain, meating and grating, ironing the flesh with charissma that is mine and mine alones to be ironing onto people's flesh though wonnder I do about secnod and third degrees of burning, you would not want Mount Vesusiiviius on flesh so why do we wwant ironing of the knwn quantity of KOB on the flesh of felloewers? Latert famous days will we explroer of these mioghty tissues, for now we musyt about the bowling be talkinh for yes I am oin the roadklll again as bowler in bowling lanes of Oak Hills boweling this very afternoon of the Famous Saturday of our lives!! Yes, I am saynng this, and I am sayung this now to you in the very place to which yuo are being asaid!!!
Imagine pelase as i sit aat table to type in names of fewlo= bowelers and Iam wriitng the names of the the named and I am thinigkging now is time for world to knoe wme as I know me as ytou know me, so yes, you arer seeing me coming round the moutnainf when I came as I am typing out the very name of KING OF BLOGGING!!!! IN MY space of naming!!!????!!!! Is it awesomeness of my boweling or are world of bowelers knowing who they are knowing as they see me like I am Alec Boweldwin in New Oleewnans deli eating pastarami on rey as I sit beside him wondeerirng does he knwo?? Does he knwo who is by him sititng and not eatring his pastarami on rye but eating other sloppiyt sandwiches of unknwosn varierties fit for knings of delis and blwoigogng and boweling!!!!
Or is it hat thta shines and sparkles that is cauisg caoomotioin along wiht awesomeness of my boweling?? Hat of picture of whiuch you see above with othwr pictures of known quauntiietoes. let me simply saty that beside myslelf I could not be more for the kniowin anf trhe seeionfg of me as on the roadkill again wiht cosiin Willie Smeltson, this is for all of us to be knowing rhe klnowing of !!!!
And so shall I end: 129 am I bowleling which is seeming to be downright peropheral in all its pysthagoaaarian glory!!!!!!! Soon I am thiking I am boweling for dollars!!! Gourd is GRate is what i am thinkign!!! Proabbaly Berry Gordy is Gretate, too!!!! burt for me i am praying to gila monster that is hair of the rossdianan of the Five Jacksins!!!!
KOB: Oh dear. Concerned as I am about the risks of double-commenting (and as perplexed as I am about why some comments register twice and others seem to become lost entirely), your loyal fellows, followers, and bellowers are more concerned about this worrisome talk of meating and grating and ironing the flesh, surely needless self-immolation even in this season of self-immolation and self-denial.
ReplyDeleteIf denial you must practice, consider instead practicing denial of boweling, forgoing sport for food and music, forgoing pythagoras for Boweldwin, Smeltson, and pastrami on rye. Bring on the Berry Gordy, Diana Ross, and Jackson Five! More promised bagels and smoked salmon (you didn't specifically mention this, but I'm pretty sure it was just an accidental omission) and endless sovereigns of Dom Perignon! Maybe even Smoky Robinson. And definitely more of those fabulous hats.
Queuen Annoo: Of coures, how could I ofrget the awesomeesness of Smoked Salmon Robinson and the Trees of a Clown? This is defeneltyu worth bagels and mimosa trees for breaksfasts!! Or maybe other Smoked Salmon Robsinson hit of OOh Ooh Barbie Barbie!!! Ken can join us too and maybe againn The Five Jacksosans wwith gourdmother Rosss Dianaa with gila monster hair!!!
ReplyDeleteWell there's a brand new place I've found-a, where people go from miles around-a
They come from everywhere
and if you drop in there
you might see anyone in town-a
Thank you quuene anno for memoriews of smoked salmon robinson!!! We are growing in a go go!!!!